Friday, July 10, 2009

Movie to see re ethics

A few weeks ago one of our sessions revolved around ethics. Just by chance today I stumbled across a movie on IFC titled Shattered Glass. It was made in 2003 and it tells the story of The New Republic "journliast" Steve Glass and all of the stories he fabricated and how he was eventually exposed by Forbes On-line.

Toward the end of the movie a receptionist looks at the editor asd he enters the office and says that there was a way around this whole fiasco - pictures. If everybody you write about has to be photographed then it is hard to fabricate somebody.

The movie also points out one of the major holes in jouralism: the reliance on journalist's notes as facts and primary source informaiton. For so many reporters this has been a system that works, but for soembody like Steve Glass, who chose to be dishonest, the system can be exploited.
Miyamura High School
Gallup, NM

1 comment:

  1. Jeff, is this something you can use?

    Rick Burd
    Wickenburg HS
