Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Censorship Battle

The discussion today by Mike Hiestand, Former Staff Attorney, Student Press Law Center, was interesting to say the least. There were several key points that really made sense to me.

Hiestand listed 9 ways that he termed 'Surviving a Censorship Battle'. Items such as avoiding insubordination, get it-put it in writing, watch what you say and write. There were others, but at the top of the list in big bold letters was Let Your Students Lead.

If I understand correctly, he was referring to allowing students to do their own writing and edit their work and collectively produce their own papers. The paper needs to be in the students' hands as much as possible and not the advisors.

Heistand made a point that laws are generally more in favor of employers, not employees. I don't know about you, but this is a scarry proposition!

Later the point was made that if our students are really doing good journalism, this should't be an issue.

Denice Westover
Snowflake High School
Snowflake, Arizona

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