Thursday, June 25, 2009

Let's go Mets!!!

Ok, so its not a Met game but on the day that we're going to a Diamondbacks game, (I am SOOOOOOO excited...I freaking love baseball!) we get a crash course in sports reporting.

Very practical, very straight to the point. Here are some important things I learned...
1. I don't know what "enterprise" and "advances" means or what "boosterism" is
2. I didn't realize how much deadlines affect sports reporting
3. I'm still confused about do they distinguish when its school supported or when it is in the public domain?
4. There is so much to write about...I NEVER covered sports in my school because there isn't much to cover and school spirit is really low. Now I know exactly what to have my students write about!

Melissa Cordova
Eli Whitney Technical High School
Hamden, Conn.

1 comment:

  1. When there "isn't much to cover" in sports at my school, I agree that enterprise and advance stories can fill those empty boxes on the layouts, but I also try to encourage my journalists to root out the feature stories.

    Yes. Our game stories are undoubtedly stale by the time we go to press except for the occasional dedicated sports reporter who will cover a state final game and email it in from the field. Even then, however, it takes our printers three days to print the paper, so the most current we can ever be is three days after an event.

    So, we rely on a scoreboard to convey the basic results of all games, all sports, and lots and lots of features, as Tom Blodgett suggested today.

    Some of the approaches we have used are:
    1. Athlete Spotlight (one boy, one girl)
    2. Siblings playing the same sport, same team
    3. Siblings playing same sport, one varsity/one JV
    4. Siblings playing same sport, two rival schools
    5. What do you think about while you are ______________ (running cross country, making the free throw, etc.)
    6. The only (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) on a team
    7. A student who has been pulled up from JV to varsisty
    8. Meet the new coach
    9. On the road to states
    10. Season All-Stars

    I'm always open for new ideas, too. Anyone else?

    Kye Haina
    Kamehameha Schools Maui
    Pukalani, Hawaii
