Monday, June 15, 2009

Journal Sentinal pushes over the line; creates new journalistic paradigm

Pictured at right, Martin Kaiser, managing editor of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, speaks proudly of the new direction of his publication. “We pushed over the line of what we’ve done in the past,” he responded to Reynolds fellow Trampus Willis’ question about whether the Journal Sentinel had stepped “over the line of objectivity” with its recent in-depth series on binge drinking in Wisconsin and its impact on the community.

“Wasted in Wisconsin” is the result of a year-long effort by a team of reporters. The hard data is complemented by human interest stories. “Sobering Reminders,” a 72-day project within the series, highlights the personal story of one alcohol-related driving fatality in each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties.

The special report also appears as an interactive package on their
Web site and includes the Capitol Connect feature that breaks down each legislator’s stand on drinking-related issues. Visitors to the page can view the personal stories of each of the people in the “Sobering Reminders” feature by mouse rollover and clicking. There is also a section for teachers and parents, and visitors may request a free copy of the entire series on CD.

This special report clearly aims beyond raising awareness of the issue and moves into advocacy for stiffer consequences for drunk driving offenders and a call for communal responsibility on the entire issue of alcohol consumption.

Kaiser says they have received overwhelmingly positive response to this exercising of the agenda-setting function of the media. Willis feels that Kaiser’s position of pushing this agenda forward in the interest of the safety of Wisconsin residents is “nice,” and a lesson that should not be forgotten by other members of the media.
Kye Haina
Kamehameha Schools Maui
Pukalani, Hawaii


  1. I was also intrigued by Kaiser's presentation. This is a news team that truly loves and takes good care of its community. I think this is a purpose that has been sadly overlooked in today's media feeding frenzy.

    Let's get back to the basics -- The First Amendment and The Golden Rule. I think they served us well in the past and are preferable to the gossip-mongering and pandering to the lowest common denominator that is practiced in some of today's publications. Let's give communities goals to hit, not more ways to fail.

    Lynn Dulcie, Rock Hill High School, Rock Hill, SC

  2. The Journal Sentinel deserves all the awards and praise. Not only have they embraced the technology and personalized the stories, they took a stand that forged bonds with the community. By bravely taking a stand, and building the context, they were able to have an impact on the issue as well as earn the trust of their readers.
    The lesson here runs deep.
