Greetings from the Sheraton lobby. Surround by a once warm cup of tea, bottled water, stacks of paper and loose paper currency I am trying to embrace blogging. Honestly, I am not sure if it is for me. But I love trying new things so I am giving it a go.
I am not a person who has a lack of interests or things to say. I also love a good story and have an over active interest in other's stories. I have worked on the technical side of media production since the early eighties. I can trace my work in the entertainment field back to the summer of my 13th birthday. Cabaret, summer camp and rural Alberta. Throw in the usual campfire what what (thanks Gage for the new lingo) and I was hooked.
I have never had much of a goal or anything. I have kind of taken it all as it comes. From CNN to 6 months directing travel videos and commercials accompanied by thousands of hours wearing headphones and working with rock stars and assorted celebrity types I feel as life has been good.
But this last year was it for me. All the good stuff wrapped into one. I now spend my days messing around with gear, hanging out with my students as they work on what is for most of them their first attempt at filmmaking or journalism and basically working toward that elusive sense of contentment.
As I approach 46 I think about all that has occurred since July of last year. I have started a new career, lost my mom and met the woman I am going to marry. I have started a film screening series, gotten involved in my community, made some friends, learned that paperwork is still paperwork and that roaming the aisles of an office supply store can still smooth over the roughest of days.
So, with that I will say goodnight. My mind is swimming with ideas. To think we have just begun.
Mark Silverstein
Media and Journalism Instructor
Douglas High School
Douglas, Arizona
Mark, that was great. Well written and (can I say it?) touching. I hope you find that sense of contentment. Feel the peace.